Coast Lines
From Bill Sargent: “In 1978 I created the Coastlines Project at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. I focused on the coasts partly because I had grown up on Cape Cod and established a marine biology field station on Pleasant Bay.” “But also … Continue reading →
Clam Diggers Face The ‘End of an Era’ With Closing of Century-Old Plant
Division of Marine Fisheries Shellfish Purification Plant Shell shock: Crisis for local clam industry Coastal storms have taken their toll. Now clam diggers in the Boston area face the ‘end of an era’ with closing of century-old plant. By David … Continue reading →
Wildlife Watching Ethics
The Parker River National Wildlife Refuge is experiencing an increase in unsafe behavior from visitors viewing wildlife. Continued issues will result in the refuge modifying public access areas and visiting hours. Please review The Refuge’s recent blog post to understand how … Continue reading →
The Refuge Beach Is OPEN!
The beach is OPEN! All refuge beaches have reopened for public use. Thanks to your help respecting closed areas, 50 pairs of piping plovers fledged 44 chicks. As you return to the beach, please remember that our other migrating shorebirds … Continue reading →
Parker River National Wildlife Refuge Beach/Piping Plover Status
Beach update: Baby plovers near Lot 1 have flown the nest! An additional half mile of refuge beach is now open. Beach parking remains limited to Lot 1 only; there is still no parking or beach access allowed at Lot … Continue reading →
The Plum Island Outdoors, Inc. Website
The website is about eight years old, and many changes have occurred during that time. We are rebuilding the site and growing the organization. Please stay with us! Thank you!
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